Module 2: Successfull time management

Time pressure is one of the biggest stress factors. To avoid the hustle and bustle, it helps to carry an agenda. So you don`t forget anything and you can coordinate your appointments.
Using a to-do list you can organize your tasks in order of importance. If you at any time fail to be done, you have at least been done the most important tasks.
Analyse your time wasters and try to avoid them. Then you gain reserve time.
If you can submit tasks to others, then use this option. Why should soemeone else not get it done as good as you?
Always try to do one after the other or combine similar activies. Any adjustment to a new task takes time. There is no multi-tasking!
Learn to say "no". The day has only 24 hours. This must be accepted by your fellow men.
Successful time management
Test items by Krämer & Fuchs (2010)
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