Module 5: Eliminate sources of stress
Conflicts and problems always offer the chance of personal development.
To find out WHAT the problem is, is the first step in coping with stress.
There are always several solutions but not in every situation does the same solution work.
Always consider first if you can solve a problem on your own or with the help of others.
Do not be awed by the problem, just take on the challenge. You can do it!
Accept: You cannot influence all the problems and stress in life. Sometimes you have to let things take their own course. With unnecessary efforts to control the situation you are simply wasting your energy.

Modul 5
Test items by Siegrist und Silberhorn (1998)
Please select an answer in each row!
In life, not all problems and stressful situations can be influenced or changed by you. This is especially true in large companies where certain matters are difficult to change due to organizational and infrastructural reasons. However, some people feel the need to control things that are beyond their influence. This is exactly the topic that you addressed with your answers on the test above.